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制作表面上非常简单的东西的惊人复杂性 (The surprising complexity of making something that is, on its surface, ridiculously simple)

Progress bars are one of the most common, familiar UI components in our lives. We see them every time we download a file, install software, or attach something to an email. They live in our browsers, on our phones, and even on our TVs.

进度栏是我们生活中最常见,最熟悉的UI组件之一。 每次下载文件,安装软件或将某些内容附加到电子邮件时,我们都会看到它们。 它们存在于我们的浏览器,我们的手机,甚至我们的电视中。

And yet — making a good progress bar is a surprisingly complex task!


In this post, I’ll describe all of the components of making a quality progress bar for the web, and hopefully by the end you’ll have a good understanding of everything you’d need to build your own.


This post describes everything I had to learn (and some things I didn’t!) to make , a library that hopefully makes it easy to drop in dependency-free progress bars to your Django/Celery applications.

这篇文章描述了制作所需要学习的所有知识(以及一些我没有学到的东西),该库可以使您轻松地将无依赖项进度条放到Django / Celery应用程序中。

That said, most of the concepts in this post should translate across all languages/environments, so even if you don’t use Python you probably can learn something new.


为什么选择进度条? (Why Progress Bars?)

This might be obvious, but just to get it out of the way — why do we use progress bars?


The basic reason is to provide users feedback for something that takes longer than they are used to waiting. According to , 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load! And while you can use something like a spinner to help mitigate this wait, a tried and true way to communicate to your users while they’re waiting for something to happen is to use a progress bar.

根本原因是为用户提供的反馈时间要比等待时间长。 根据 ,有40%的人放弃了网站,而该网站的加载时间超过3秒! 尽管您可以使用微调器等功能来减轻这种等待时间,但在用户等待事件发生时与用户进行交流的一种切实可行的尝试方法是使用进度条。

Generally, progress bars are great whenever something takes longer than a few seconds and you can reasonably estimate its progress over time.

通常, 只要某事花费的时间超过几秒钟 ,进度条就会很棒 您可以合理地估计其随着时间的进度。

Some examples include:


  • When your application first loads (if it takes a long time to load)

  • When processing a large data import

  • When preparing a file for download

  • When the user is in a queue waiting for their request to get processed


进度条的组成 (The Components of a Progress Bar)

Alright, with that out of the way lets get into how to actually build these things!


It’s just a little bar filling up across a screen. How complicated could it be?

屏幕上只是一个小条。 它有多复杂?

Actually, quite!


The following components are typically a part of any progress bar implementation:


  1. A front-end, which typically includes a visual representation of progress and (optionally) a text-based status.

    前端 ,通常包括进度的可视表示和(可选)基于文本的状态。

  2. A backend that will actually do the work that you want to monitor.


  3. One or more communication channels for the front end to hand off work to the backend.

  4. One or more communication channels for the backend to communicate progress to the front-end.


Immediately we can see one inherent source of complexity. We want to both do some work in the backend and show that work happening on the frontend. This immediately means we will be involving multiple processes that need to interact with each other asynchronously.

立即我们可以看到一种固有的复杂性来源。 我们既要在后端做一些工作 ,又要证明工作在前端进行。 这立即意味着我们将涉及需要异步进行交互的多个进程。

These communication channels are where much of the complexity lies. In a relatively standard Django project, the front-end browser might submit an AJAX HTTP request (JavaScript) to the backend web app (Django). This in turn might pass that request along to the task queue (Celery) via a message broker (RabbitMQ/Redis). Then the whole thing needs to happen in reverse to get information back to the front end!

这些通信渠道是许多复杂性所在。 在一个相对标准的Django项目中, 前端浏览器可能会向后端Web应用程序 (Django)提交AJAX HTTP请求(JavaScript)。 反过来,这可能会将请求通过消息代理 (RabbitMQ / Redis)传递到任务队列 (Celery)。 然后,整个过程需要反向进行,以使信息返回到前端!

The entire process might look something like this:


Let’s dive into all of these components and see how they work in a practical example.


前端 (The Front End)

The front end is definitely the easiest part of the progress bar. With just a few small lines of HTML/CSS, you can quickly make a decent looking horizontal bar using the background color and width attributes. Splash in a little JavaScript to update it and you’re good to go!

前端绝对是进度条中最简单的部分。 仅需几行HTML / CSS,您就可以使用背景颜色和宽度属性快速制作出美观的水平条。 溅入一些JavaScript对其进行更新,您就可以开始了!

function updateProgress(progressBarElement, progressBarMessageElement, progress) {  progressBarElement.style.backgroundColor = '#68a9ef';  progressBarElement.style.width = progress.percent + "%";  progressBarMessageElement.innerHTML = progress.current + ' of ' + progress.total + ' processed.';}var trigger = document.getElementById('progress-bar-trigger');trigger.addEventListener('click', function(e) {  var barWrapper = document.getElementById('progress-wrapper');  barWrapper.style.display = 'inherit'; // show bar  var bar = document.getElementById("progress-bar");  var barMessage = document.getElementById("progress-bar-message");  for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) {    setTimeout(updateProgress, 500 * i, bar, barMessage, {      percent: 10 * i,      current: 10 * i,      total: 100    })  }})

后端 (The Backend)

The backend is equally simple. This is essentially just some code that’s going to execute on your server to do the work you want to track. This would typically be written in whatever application stack you’re using (in this case Python and Django). Here’s an overly simplified version of what the backend might look like:

后端同样简单。 从本质上讲,这只是一些要在服务器上执行以完成您要跟踪的工作的代码。 通常,这可以用您正在使用的任何应用程序堆栈(在本例中为Python和Django)编写。 这是后端看起来过于简化的版本:

def do_work(self, list_of_work):     for work_item in list_of_work:         do_work_item(work_item)     return 'work is complete'

做工作 (Doing the Work)

Okay so we’ve got our front-end progress bar, and we’ve got our work doer. What’s next?

好的,我们有了前端进度栏,并且有了工作人员。 下一步是什么?

Well, we haven’t actually said anything about how this work will get kicked off. So let’s start there.

好吧,我们实际上还没有说过如何开展这项工作。 因此,让我们从那里开始。

错误的方式:在Web应用程序中进行操作 (The Wrong Way: Doing it in the Web Application)

In a typical ajax workflow this would work the following way:


  1. Front-end initiates request to web application

  2. Web application does work in the request

  3. Web application returns a response when done


In a Django view, that would look something like this:


def my_view(request):     do_work()     return HttpResponse('work done!')

错误的方式:从视图中调用函数 (The wrong way: calling the function from the view)

The problem here is that the do_work function might do a lot of work that takes a long time (if it didn't, it wouldn't make sense to add a progress bar for it).


Doing a lot of work in a view is generally considered a bad practice for several reasons, including:


  • You create a poor user experience, since people have to wait for long requests to finish

  • You open your site up to potential stability issues with lots of long-running, work-doing requests (which could be triggered either maliciously or accidentally)


For these reasons, and others, we need a better approach for this.


更好的方法:异步任务队列(又名Celery) (The Better Way: Asynchronous Task Queues (aka Celery))

Most modern web frameworks have created asynchronous task queues to deal with this problem. In Python, the most common one is . In Rails, there is ().

大多数现代Web框架都创建了异步任务队列来处理此问题。 在Python中,最常见的是 。 在Rails中,有 ( )。

The details between these vary, but the fundamental principles of them are the same. Basically, instead of doing work in an HTTP request that could take arbitrarily long — and be triggered with arbitrary frequency — you stick that work in a queue and you have background processes — often referred to as workers — that pick the jobs up and execute them.

它们之间的细节各不相同,但是它们的基本原理是相同的。 基本上,不是在HTTP请求中执行可能会花费很长时间(并以任意频率触发)的工作,而是将工作放在队列中,并且有后台进程(通常称为工作进程)来接替工作并执行。

This asynchronous architecture has several benefits, including:


  • Not doing long-running work in web processes

  • Enabling rate-limiting of the work done — work can be limited by the number of worker-processes available

  • Enabling work to happen on machines that are optimized for it, for example, machines with high numbers of CPUs


异步任务的机制 (The Mechanics of Asynchronous Tasks)

The basic mechanics of an asynchronous architecture are relatively simple, and involve three main components: the client(s), the worker(s), and the message broker.

异步体系结构的基本机制相对简单,并且包含三个主要组件: 客户端工作线程消息代理

The client is primarily responsible for the creation of new tasks. In our example, the client is the Django application, which creates tasks on user input via a web request.

客户主要负责创建新任务。 在我们的示例中,客户端是Django应用程序,该应用程序通过Web请求在用户输入上创建任务。

The workers are the actual processes that do the work. These are our Celery workers. You can have an arbitrary number of workers running on however many machines, which allows for high availability and horizontal scaling of task processing.

工人是完成工作的实际流程。 这些是我们的芹菜工人。 您可以在任意多台计算机上运行任意数量的工作程序,这可以实现高可用性和水平扩展任务处理。

The client and task queue talk to each other via a message broker, which is responsible for accepting tasks from the client(s) and delivering them to the worker(s). The most common message broker for Celery is RabbitMQ, although Redis is also a commonly used and feature complete message broker.

客户端和任务队列通过消息代理相互对话,该消息代理负责从客户端接受任务并将其传递给工作人员。 尽管Redis也是常用且功能齐全的消息代理,但Celery上最常见的消息代理是RabbitMQ。

When building a standard celery application, you will typically do development of the client and worker code, but the message broker will be a piece of infrastructure that you just have to stand up (and beyond that can [mostly] ignore).


一个例子 (An Example)

While this all sounds rather complicated, Celery does a good job making it quite easy for us via nice programming abstractions.


To convert our work-doing function to something that can be executed asynchronously, all we have to do is add a special decorator:


from celery import task # this decorator is all that's needed to tell celery this is a# worker task@task def do_work(self, list_of_work):     for work_item in list_of_work:         do_work_item(work_item)     return 'work is complete'

注释要从Celery调用的工作函数 (Annotating a work function to be called from Celery)

Similarly, calling the function asynchronously from the Django client is similarly straightforward:


def my_view(request):     # the .delay() call here is all that's needed    # to convert the function to be called asynchronously         do_work.delay()     # we can't say 'work done' here anymore     # because all we did was kick it off     return HttpResponse('work kicked off!')

异步调用工作函数 (Calling the work function asynchronously)

With just a few extra lines of code, we’ve converted our work to an asynchronous architecture! As long as you’ve got your worker and broker processes configured and running, this should just work.

仅需几行代码,我们就将工作转换为异步架构! 只要您已配置并运行了工作进程和代理进程, 它就可以正常工作

追踪进度 (Tracking the Progress)

Alrighty, so we’ve finally got our task running in the background. But now we want to track progress on it. So how does that work, exactly?

好了,所以我们终于在后台运行了任务。 但是现在我们要跟踪它的进度。 那到底是怎么工作的呢?

We’ll again need to do a few things. First we’ll need a way of tracking progress within the worker job. Then we’ll need to communicate that progress all the way back to our front-end so we can update the progress bar on the page. Once again, this ends up being quite a bit more complicated than you might think!

我们将再次需要做一些事情。 首先,我们需要一种跟踪工作者工作进度的方法。 然后,我们需要将该进度一直传递到前端,以便我们可以更新页面上的进度栏。 再一次,这最终变得比您想象的要复杂得多!

使用观察者对象跟踪工作进程 (Using an Observer Object to Track Progress in the Worker)

Readers of the seminal might be familiar with the . The typical observer pattern includes a subject which tracks state, as well as one or more observers that do something in response to state. In our progress scenario, the subject is the worker process/function that is doing the work, and the observer is the thing that is going to track the progress.

具有开创性读者可能熟悉 。 典型的观察者模式包括跟踪状态的主题 ,以及一个或多个响应状态而做某事的观察者 。 在我们的进度方案中,主题是执行工作的工作人员流程/职能,而观察者是要跟踪进度的事物。

There are many ways to link the subject and the observer, but the simplest is to just pass the observer in as an argument to the function doing the work.


That looks something like this:


@task def do_work(self, list_of_work, progress_observer):         total_work_to_do = len(list_of_work)         for i, work_item in enumerate(list_of_work):                     do_work_item(work_item)                 # tell the progress observer how many out of the total items         # we have processed        progress_observer.set_progress(i, total_work_to_do)            return 'work is complete'

使用观察员监控工作进度 (Using an observer to monitor work progress)

Now all we have to do is pass in a valid progress_observer and voilà, our progress will be tracked!


取得进展回客户 (Getting Progress Back to the Client)

You might be thinking “wait a minute… you just called a function called set_progress, you didn’t actually do anything!”


True! So how does this actually work?

真正! 那么,这实际上如何工作?

Remember — our goal is to get this progress information all the way up to the webpage so we can show our users what’s going on. But the progress tracking is happening all the way in the worker process! We are now facing a similar problem we had with handing off the asynchronous task earlier.

请记住-我们的目标是一直将此进度信息一直带到网页,以便我们向用户显示发生了什么情况。 但是进度跟踪在工作者过程中一直在发生! 现在,我们面临着一个类似的问题,该问题与我们之前完成异步任务有关。

Thankfully, Celery also provides a mechanism for passing messages back to the client. This is done via a mechanism called , and, like , you have the option of several different backends. Both RabbitMQ and Redis can be used as brokers and result backends and are reasonable choices, though there is technically no coupling between the broker and the result backend.

值得庆幸的是,Celery还提供了一种将消息传递客户端的机制。 这是通过一种称为的机制来完成的,与一样,您可以选择多个不同的后端。 RabbitMQ和Redis都可以用作代理和结果后端,并且是合理的选择,尽管从技术上讲,代理与结果后端之间没有耦合。

Anyway, like brokers, the details typically don’t come up unless you’re doing something pretty advanced. But the point is that you stick the result from the task somewhere (with the task’s unique ID), and then other processes can get information about tasks by ID by asking the backend for it.

无论如何,像经纪人一样,除非您正在做相当高级的事情,否则通常不会提供详细信息。 但是关键是您将任务的结果粘贴到某个位置 (具有任务的唯一ID),然后其他进程可以通过向后端索取ID来获取有关任务的信息。

In Celery, this is abstracted quite well via the state associated with the task. The state allows us to set an overall status, as well as attach arbitrary metadata to the task. This is a perfect place to store our current and total progress.

在Celery中,这通过与任务相关的state很好地抽象了。 state允许我们设置总体状态,以及将任意元数据附加到任务。 这是存储我们当前和全部进度的理想场所。

设定状态 (Setting the state)

task.update_state(     state=PROGRESS_STATE,     meta={'current': current, 'total': total} )

读状态 (Reading the state)

from celery.result import AsyncResult result = AsyncResult(task_id) print(result.state) # will be set to PROGRESS_STATE print(result.info) # metadata will be here

将进度更新获取到前端 (Getting Progress Updates to the Front End)

Now that we can get progress updates out of the workers / tasks and into any other client, the final step is to just get that information to the front end and display it to the user.


If you want to get fancy, you can use something like websockets to do this in real time. But the simplest version is to just poll a URL every so often to check on progress. We can just serve the progress information up as JSON via a Django view and process and render it client-side.

如果您想花哨的话,可以使用诸如websockets之类的方法实时进行操作。 但最简单的版本是每隔一段时间轮询一次URL以检查进度。 我们仅可以通过Django视图和进程将进度信息作为JSON提供,并在客户端进行渲染。

Django view:


def get_progress(request, task_id):     result = AsyncResult(task_id)     response_data = {         'state': result.state,         'details': self.result.info,    }     return HttpResponse(        json.dumps(response_data),         content_type='application/json'    )

Django view to return progress as JSON.


JavaScript code:


function updateProgress (progressUrl) {    fetch(progressUrl).then(function(response) {         response.json().then(function(data) {             // update the appropriate UI components             setProgress(data.state, data.details);             // and do it again every half second            setTimeout(updateProgress, 500, progressUrl);         });     }); }

Javascript code to poll for progress and update the UI.


放在一起 (Putting it All Together)

This has been quite a lot of detail on what is — on its face — a very simple and everyday part of our lives with computers! I hope you’ve learned something.

从表面上看,这是关于计算机生活中非常简单和日常的一部分的很多细节! 我希望你学到了一些东西。

If you need a simple way to make progress bars for you Django/celery applications you can check out — a library I wrote to help make all of this a bit easier. There is also .

如果您需要一种简单的方法来为Django / celery应用程序制作进度条,则可以签出 ,这是我编写的帮助简化所有步骤的库。 也 。

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to get notified whenever I publish content like this on building things with Python and Django, please sign up to receive updates below!

谢谢阅读! 如果您希望在我发布有关使用Python和Django构建内容的此类内容时得到通知,请注册以获取以下更新!

Originally published at .

最初发布于 。



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